About the Journal

Aims & Scope

An international quarterly, the Biodiversity: Research and Conservation (Biodiv. Res. Conserv.) publishes original papers, short notes and reviews in fields of plant, fungi and lichen variability, taxonomy, biogeography, ecology and nature conservation. Preferences will be given to works concerning contemporary transformations of biodiversity.
Articles are published in electronic version, in Open Access mode.

The Topics of the Journal
Variability, taxonomy and phylogeny
Nature Conservation

Why subscribe and read
- source of high quality research, with main focus on Central and Eastern Europe but open to authors from all over the world,
- peer-reviewed by international experts,
- addresses a wide range of issues on plant taxonomy, ecology, chorology, biogeography and conservation with particular emphasis on contemporary changes to biodiversity, both in natural, semi-natural and man-made environment,
- high level of editorial quality,
- available in print and electronic format,
- free of charge access.

Why submit
- peer-reviewed by international experts,
- constructive and helpful editorial guidance,
- thorough language revision,
- high level of editorial quality and color printing,
- open both to established and young authors.

Editorial and review procedure

  • The suitability of manuscripts will be independently evaluated by the members of the Editorial Board and referees selected by the editors.
  • Any other problems related to the preparation of manuscripts for publishing should be clarified with the editors.
  • The editorial staff will keep the authors informed on the successive stages of editorial processing of their works.
  • All information will be send to the author’s correspondence address.
  • Each publication is subject to a single blind review and is reviewed by two independent reviewers not affiliated with the home institution/s of the author/s.
  • The criteria against which the article is assessed are as follows: 1) Relevance of the topic presented in the work; 2) Use of the literature on the subject and the formulation of a research problem; 3) Formulation of the aim of the work and research tasks; 4) Presentation of research methodology; 5) Conformity of methods and research material with the aim and scope of the work; 6) Conformity of the results of the study with the aim of the work and research material; 7) Presentation and interpretation of results (form, scope and illustration); 8) Form and content of discussion; 9) Importance of presented results and conclusions; 10) Content of the abstract and the choice of key words; 11) Literature compilation and the way of its citation in the text; 12) Form of illustration (figures, photographs and tables and the way of their quoting).
  • The reviewer has three grades available: faultlessly, satisfactorily, unsatisfactorily.
  • A review contains a clear conclusion on the conditions of manuscript approval or rejection.
  • An annual list of reviewers is published once per year in the year-end issue both on the journal’s website and in the printed version. The names of reviewers contributing to individual issues of the journal are not revealed to authors or to other reviewers.
  • Submission of a manuscript indicates a tacit understanding that the paper is not actively under consideration for publication in other journals.
  • After completing the review process, a corresponding author, on behalf of all authors, will be asked to send the signed declaration of License to Publish.
  • The Journal does not provide off-prints to authors and does not have article processing charges (APCs), nor article submission charges.
  • For the purchase of a print version please contact Publishing House “Kontekst”.
  • For subscription orders please contact the Editorial Secretary.


Biodiversity: Research and Conservation makes every effort to ensure the highest scientific ethical standards for all submissions and to prevent cases of ‘ghostwriting’ and ‘guest authorship’. A corresponding author, on behalf of all authors, will be required to complete and submit to the above e-mail address, the signed Research Funding and Author Contribution Statement (as a scanned attachment) to indicate the contributions of all authors and the source(s) of research funding.

The original version of the Journal is a printed version. The Journal does not provide off-prints to authors and does not have article processing charges (APCs), except for charges for colour printing, nor article submission charges.

Plagiarism Policy

The editorial board is participating in a growing community of Similarity Check System's users in order to ensure that the content published is original and trustworthy. Similarity Check is a medium that allows for comprehensive manuscripts screening, aimed to eliminate plagiarism and provide a high standard and quality peer-review process.

Open Access Policy

The publisher provides open access (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International)) to all journal content in line with the principle that freely accessible research enhances and accelerates global scientific development and knowledge exchange. The author retains unlimited copyright.
The journal does not charge authors any fees for the procedure of accepting and publishing texts.