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Author Guidelines

Manuscripts should be written in English and sent, preferably, to the Editors e-mail address:, or to: Biodiversity: Research and Conservation, Department of Plant Taxonomy, Adam Mickiewicz University, Umultowska 89, 61-614 Poznań, Poland.

Biodiversity: Research and Conservation publishes original papers, short notes and reviews. The manuscript of an original article should be entirely double spaced and follow a defined structure. The First page: Title – not more than 200 characters including spaces; Authors – full forenames and surnames; Affiliations – full postal address of authors’ parent institutions; Correspondence address; Orcid number; Abstract – the main theses and results, not exceeding 300 words; Key words – not more than sixth. Text: no right justification; no hyphenation at the ends of lines; no boldface and underline; only Latin names of taxa (genus, species, subspecies and variety) and all syntaxa should by written in italics.

The suitability of manuscripts will be independently evaluated by the members of the Editorial Board and referees selected by the editors. All submitted articles are subject to single-blind peer review. Manuscripts should be prepared in the MS Word text editor; in case of sending a paper version, it is obligatory to attach also a CD). Each copy of the manuscript should be complete, including copies of tables, line figures and black and white photographs.

The manuscript of an original article should be entirely double spaced and arranged in the following structure. The First page: Title – not more than 100 characters including spaces; Authors – full forenames and surnames; Affiliations – full postal address of authors’ parent institutions; Correspondence address; Abstract – the main theses and results, not exceeding 250 words; Key words – not more than eight. Text: no right justification; no hyphenation at the ends of lines; no boldface and underline; only Latin names of taxa (genus, species, subspecies and variety) and all syntaxa should by written in italics.

The standard structure of original articles:
1. Introduction – the context for investigation, aims and the author’s hypothesis.
2. Material and methods – sufficient information for replication of the results by a competent researcher.
3. Results – important results first. Data should be presented in the form of figures and tables in numerical sequence and statistical analyses enclosed if applicable. The use of SI units is obligatory. The subheadings and insertion places of figures, tables and photos should be indicated in the text (e.g. Fig. 1, Table 1).
4. Discussion – the important results of investigation and pertinent literature.
Author Contributions
Research concept and design:
Collection and/or assembly of data:
Data analysis and interpretation:
Writing the article:
Critical revision of the article:
Final approval of the article:
References – in alphabetical order; only the literature quoted.

In case of notes and review articles, the above division of the content is not required.

Scheme of references:

Journal article:
MIZIANTY M. 2005. Variability and structure of natural populations of Elymus caninus (L.) L. based on morphology. Pl. Syst. Evol. 251: 199-216.

CLAYTON W. D. & RENVOIZE S. A. 1986. Genera graminum. Grasses of the world. 389 pp. Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, London.
MEUSEL H. & JÄGER E. 1992. Vergleichende Chorologie der zentraleuropäischen Flora. III. Text ix+333 pp., Karten, Literatur, Register pp. ix+422-688. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena-Stuttgart-New York.

Book chapter:
MIZIANTY M., FREY L. & SZCZEPANIAK M. 2001. The Agropyron-Elymus complex (Poaceae) in Poland: biosystematics. In: L. FREY (ed.). Studies on grasses in Poland, pp. 25-77. W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków.

For other types of publications, the proper format of references will be assigned by the Editors. In addition, authors should include in references the appropriate DOI number, whenever applicable (as shown on the above examples). DOI numbers are usually located at the top of the article front page. They automatically make the active link, so care must be taken that the numbers are correct and complete.

Citing in text – examples:
...according to Mizianty et al. (2001); ...according to Meusel & Jäger (1992); In Poland, the genus is represented by 4 wild growing species (Mizianty et al. 2001).

Figures. The numbered figures and illustrations should be included on separate pages and provided with the concise captions containing a title and explanations essential for understanding of illustrated content. Figures should be of professional quality and should not include typed entries. Preferably, all figures and maps would be send in JPEG or TIFF format (resolution not less than 300 dpi; font Arial, 8 pts.) and illustrations prepared in Corel Draw. Graphs and diagrams should be presented in Excel and send along with the source data used in their preparation. Photographs and microphotographs must be clear and of high-contrast. In case of grouping several images into one plate, it is obligatory to include the layout scheme. Color printing is possible by arrangement with the editors, for additional charge. Illustrations can be reproduced in two sizes: over two columns (15 x 19 cm) and to one column width (7 x 19 cm). Originals of graphs, maps, schemata and photographs should be prepared in a way ensuring that after appropriate reduction (if applicable) they are clearly legible.

Tables. The numbered tables with their corresponding captions should be sent on separate pages. They ought to be prepared in the MS Word editor (font Arial, 8 pts.), in dimensions not exceeding 15 x 19 cm.

Any other problems related to the preparation of manuscripts for publishing should be clarified with the editors.

The editorial staff will keep the authors informed on the successive stages of editorial processing of their works, including: (1) forwarding for review, (2) the review outcome, (3) the acceptation or rejection of submitted manuscript, (4) sending out a copy for an author’s revision; please note that the revision should be restricted to the correction of typographical errors and implementation of the editors’ and reviewers’ recommendations, (5) publishing. All information will be send to the author’s correspondence address.

Submission of a manuscript indicates a tacit understanding that the paper is not actively under consideration for publication in other journals. Once the paper is accepted, autors are assumed to have transferred the copyright of the paper to the Department of Plant Taxonomy of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. After completing the review process, a corresponding author, on behalf of all authors, will be asked to send the signed declaration of License to Publish by e-mail (as a scanned attachment) to the following address: A properly completed License to Publish must be provided for each submitted manuscript.

Biodiversity: Research and Conservation makes every effort to ensure the highest scientific ethical standards for all submissions and to prevent cases of ‘ghostwriting’ and ‘guest authorship’. A corresponding author, on behalf of all authors, will be required to complete and submit to the above e-mail address, the signed Research Funding and Author Contribution Statement (as a scanned attachment) to indicate the contributions of all authors and the source(s) of research funding.

The original version of the Journal is a printed version. The Journal does not provide off-prints to authors and does not have article processing charges (APCs), except for charges for colour printing, nor article submission charges.

Biodiversity: Research and Conservation participates in the CrossCheck plagiarism screening service.


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