The species of the genus Crataegus L. in the National Nature Park ‘Podilskyi Tovtry’ (Podolian Hills, Western Ukraine)


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Sołtys-Lelek, A., & Oliіar H. (2016). The species of the genus Crataegus L. in the National Nature Park ‘Podilskyi Tovtry’ (Podolian Hills, Western Ukraine). Biodiversity: Research and Conservation, 44, 25–34.

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The paper presents an inventory of hawthorns occurring in the National Nature Park ‘Podilskyi Tovtry’. 8 taxa were recorded based on the field studies during the years 2009-2013, as well as on the published data. Four of them are new for the flora of the Park’s area: C. × macrocarpa Hegetschw., C. × subsphaericea Gand., C. × media Bechst., and the triple hybrid C. monogyna Jacq. × C. laevigata (Pior.) DC. × C. rhipidophylla Gand.


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