A new record of Badhamia versicolor Lister (Physaraceae) in Poland


human-made habitat
Lithuanian Lakeland
rare species

How to Cite

Pliszko, A., & Bochynek, A. (2017). A new record of Badhamia versicolor Lister (Physaraceae) in Poland. Biodiversity: Research and Conservation, 45, 23–25. https://doi.org/10.1515/biorc-2017-0003

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The paper presents a new Polish record of Badhamia versicolor, a nationally rare and red-listed species of Myxomycetes. It was discovered on the edge of the disused sand and gravel pit (formerly, a gravel mine of the Polish State Railway) in the town of Suwałki, north-eastern Poland. Two small clusters of mature fruiting bodies of B. versicolor were noticed on a bark of living poplar (unidentified species of Populus) and on a fallen leaf of the same poplar tree. Photographic documentation of specimens collected from a new locality is provided.



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