Revised distribution and plant communities of Orobanche alsatica and notes on the Orobanchaceae series Alsaticae in Poland


Orobanche alsatica
series Alsaticae

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Piwowarczyk, R. (2012). Revised distribution and plant communities of Orobanche alsatica and notes on the Orobanchaceae series Alsaticae in Poland. Biodiversity: Research and Conservation, 26, 39–51.

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The paper presents the current distribution of Orobanche alsatica in Poland, based on a critical revision of her­barium and literature data and on my field studies conducted in 2006-2011. The recorded localities are mainly in Polish Uplands: the Lublin Upland (Wyżyna Lubelska), Roztocze, and Polesie, less frequently in the Małopolska Upland (Wyżyna Małopolska) and Silesia-Kraków Upland (Wyżyna Śląsko-Krakowska). Distribution maps of O. alsatica and other species of the series Alsaticae (O. bartlingii and O. mayeri) in Poland are included. Their taxonomy, biology, ecology, and habitat pref­erences are also discussed.


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