En Litterær Biografi og Narrative Identitetsbilleder Dorrit Willumsens Roman Marie. Madame Tussauds LIV
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How to Cite

Krysztofiak, M. (2012). En Litterær Biografi og Narrative Identitetsbilleder Dorrit Willumsens Roman Marie. Madame Tussauds LIV. Folia Scandinavica Posnaniensia, 14, 45–54. Retrieved from https://pressto.amu.edu.pl/index.php/fsp/article/view/411


The article focuses on the narrative construction of identity in the biographical novel about the life of Madame Tussaud written by the Danish author Dorrit Willumsen. A specific biographical narration technique of Willumsen is the starting point for discussing two interweaving layers of biographical discourse: the historical literary biography and the internal biography (lifeline as a story). Willumsen`s open dialogue of images and words shapes the narration to cross the frame of the principal character`s historical time and places Willumsen`s novel in the European context of narrative literature on artistic images of identity.
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Litterær biografi

Biografisk fortælling

Biografisk-historisk fortælling


Narrative identitetsbilleder

Poetologisk konstruktion


Literary biography

Biographical story

Biographical-historical story

Identity image


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