Digitization of and online access to data from the natural history collections of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań: Assumptions and implementation of the AMUNATCOLL project


biodiversity collections
data analysis and repositories
digitization project
open access to data
open science cloud
project workflow

How to Cite

Jackowiak, B., Błoszyk, J., Dylewska, M., Nowak, M. M., Szkudlarz, P., Lawenda, M., & Meyer, N. (2022). Digitization of and online access to data from the natural history collections of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań: Assumptions and implementation of the AMUNATCOLL project. Biodiversity: Research and Conservation, 65, 23–34. https://doi.org/10.2478/biorc-2022-0004

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This paper describes a project aimed at digitizing and openly sharing the natural history collections (AMUNATCOLL) of the Faculty of Biology at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland). The result of this project is a database (including 2.2 million records) of plant, fungal and animal specimens, which is available online via the AMUNATCOLL portal and on the Global Biodiversity Information Facility website. This article presents selected aspects of the “life cycle” of this project, with a particular focus on its preparatory phase.



This work has been supported by the AMUNATCOLL project and has been partly funded by the European Union and Ministry of Digital Affairs from the European Regional Development Fund as part of the Digital Poland Operational Program under grant agreement number: POPC.02.03.01-00-0043/18.


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