Occurrence of anthropophytes along streams of the Sowie Mountains and Dzierżoniów Basin (South-Western Poland) in dependence on land use


invasive plants
river banks
land use type
Sowie Mountains

How to Cite

Śliwiński, M. (2008). Occurrence of anthropophytes along streams of the Sowie Mountains and Dzierżoniów Basin (South-Western Poland) in dependence on land use. Biodiversity: Research and Conservation, (11-12), 33–40. https://doi.org/10.14746/biorc.2008.11-12.5

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Habitat disturbances and adjacent home gardens (with alien plants cultivated for decorative purposes) favor invasions of anthropophytes, which eliminate native plants and create new plant communities along streams. Research carried out in the Sowie Mountains and Dzierżoniów Basin (Kotlina Dzierźoniowska), showed dependence between the occurrence of anthropophytes and type of land use (forest, agricultural, or built-up area). Plant communities dominated by alien species usually form 2 types of stands: small patches in built-up areas (within the stream-bed protected by stone or concrete walls), and large linear patches in sections of streams flowing along agricultural areas. Occurrence of anthropophytes was researched also in relation to distance from the stream-bed. Some anthropophytes are related to the interior (riparian) sub-zone (Impatiens glandulifera, Rudbeckia laciniata), while others can occur in different sub-zones (Solidago gigantea, Reynoutria japonica, R. sachalinensis, Echinocystis lobata). Forest communities, despite their degeneration, are the least invaded. Only Impatiens parviflora occurs along streams in forests (its average Braun-Blanquet cover-abundance in forest sections is 2.7, while 0.5 in agricultural, and 0.4 in built-up sections). Impatiens glandulifera forms denser stands in stream sections in built-up areas than in agricultural areas, while other species show an inverse relation.



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