Anthropophytes in the flora of different spatial units within old rural settlements of the Lubuskie Lakeland, western Poland


vascular flora
indices of anthropogenic changes
Lubuskie Lakeland

How to Cite

Jasińska, K., Brzeg, A., & Wojterska, M. (2015). Anthropophytes in the flora of different spatial units within old rural settlements of the Lubuskie Lakeland, western Poland. Biodiversity: Research and Conservation, 39, 19–32.

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The index of anthropophytization of flora (WAnt) showed that both types of built-up areas (transformed and non-transformed) reached the highest values, slightly higher than fields and central green. Index of flora modernization (WM) showed the same pattern. Only water bodies were strikingly different from other complexes in respect to both indices (WAnt - significantly lower values, while WM - much higher). Differences in the floristic composition of transformed and non-transformed villages were not significant at the level of whole village. The villages were still harbouring rare species from the group of relics of former cultivation and archaeophytes, but observations conducted since 2007 confirmed that they have been decreasing in number. The percentage of groups of species with different affinity toward urban areas have shown that in the studied rural areas, the share of urbanophilic species is still very low as compared to the dominant group of urbanoneutral and moderately urbanophobic species.


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