A new finding of a uniquely large population of Anacamptis morio (Orchidaceae) on the Left-Bank Ukraine


vulnerable species
new location
ecological scales
biodiversity protection

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Shevchyk, V. L., Solomakha, I. V., Shevchyk, O. V., Dvirna, T. S., Solomakha, V. A., Shevchyk, T. V., & Fitsailo, T. V. (2020). A new finding of a uniquely large population of Anacamptis morio (Orchidaceae) on the Left-Bank Ukraine. Biodiversity: Research and Conservation, 55, 15–24. https://doi.org/10.2478/biorc-2019-0012

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The paper presents the results of the research of local population of Anacamptis morio (L.) R. M. Bateman on the territory of the Left-Bank Ukraine. The size of this population was estimated at about 250-300 thousand individuals. The average density of individuals per 1 m2 is 12, while in terms of age structure, dominate individuals in the generative stage (70-75%). A. morio inhabits fresh, forest-meadow biotopes. Its populations are found in fresh eutrophic and moist mesotrophic meadows and in coastal floodplain forests. This species is a part of vegetation of the Koelerio-Corynephoretea and Molinio-Arrhenatheretea classes. Considering the characteristics of the investigated A. morio population and its habitat we assert that the studied territory is unique, valuable and perspective for the creation of a nature reserve.



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