Genetic differentiation of common reed (Phragmites australis) populations from selected lakes of Pomerania (NW Poland), revealed by electrophoretically detected peroxidase variability


Phragmites australis
population variability

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Krzakowa, M., & Michalak, M. (2011). Genetic differentiation of common reed (Phragmites australis) populations from selected lakes of Pomerania (NW Poland), revealed by electrophoretically detected peroxidase variability. Biodiversity: Research and Conservation, 17, 19–22.

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Three populations of common reed (Phragmites australis (Cav) Trin. ex Steud.), growing under differing edaphic conditions in lakes near the town of Koszalin (the Pomerania region in north-western Poland), were studied in respect to frequencies of electrophoretically detected allozymes in two peroxidase loci: a monomeric locus with three alleles and a dimeric locus with two alleles. On the basis of genetic distances, similarity between these populations and levels of variation were assessed both within populations (GST = 0.0376) and between populations (DST = 0.0194). Gene flow between populations was low (Nm = 6.399).


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