In this article, the author analyses pluricentrism/polycentrism in the German standard
language and the German LSP. Until the eighties of the 20th century, the German language was
treated as a monocentric language and the variant used in Germany was perceived as the model and
normative variant. This had a direct impact on the method of teaching German as a foreign
language (also in Poland). In the process of teaching, teachers referred only to social, political and
economic situation in Germany. Even during German language university courses the variants of
the German language used in other German-speaking countries, such as Austria, Switzerland,
Luxembourg and Liechtenstein, were rarely discussed and the German language used in Eastern
Belgium and Southern Tyrol in Italy was never mentioned. The differences between the variants of
the German language can be seen at every level of the language: phonetic, morphological,
syntactic, lexical and even pragmatic one. What is interesting, they can be found not only in the
standard language (Gesamtsprache), but also in LSP (Fachsprache). In the article, the author shows
these differences with regard to both the standard language and LSP. Moreover, he analyses their
consequences for German language teaching and the process of translation.
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