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legal language
customary law

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The main thrust of this paper is to present the Amhara‘s traditional mode of litigation with the commitment to address its discursive and anthropocentric dimensions. The indigenous procedural law transmitted orally from generation to generation ceased to be used in 1936. As a result, at present, we can merely rely on scanty illustrative material elicited from memory of the elders and then recorded. The material discussed in this paper has been adduced primarily from two books: Tät,äyyäq by Ńibäńi Lämma (in Amharic) and An Introduction to the Legal History of Ethiopia, 1434 – 1974. It is analysed within the framework of orality which is considered here as ―an autonomous type of existence‖ (Roch Sulima) as well as a type of communication. In regard to the latter dimension of orality, in the course of the paper, the following features are taken into account: (i) language as a mode of action, (ii) formulaic expressions and stereotypes, (iii) agonistic manner of human interaction, (iv) commitment to human interactions (v) somaticism. The study of poetic compositions and dialogs interwoven with riddles and proverbs aims also at providing insights into the Amhara concept of justice as well as other components of their culture.
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