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Ключевые слова

prison argot
romanian argot

Как цитировать

NADRAG, L., & STROESCU, M. (2010). A STUDY OF INMATE ARGOT IN ROMANIAN PRISONS. Comparative Legilinguistics, 4, 39–48. https://doi.org/10.14746/cl.2010.4.4


The lexis and structure of prison argot reflect the personalities of inmates who employ
them, as well as the conflicts and tensions inherent in prison settings. It is shown in this article that
the distinctiveness of prison argot is largely a product of the character of penal context. Its extent of
use varies with the extent of penal discipline. Appreciation of this complex relationship might
facilitate improved communication between prisoners and custodial authorities. In addition,
knowledge of prison argot meanings has a potential to improve the management of prison-based
programs and thus appears helpful in the complex process of prisoners' rehabilitation and social

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Библиографические ссылки

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