Der Fremde im Königreich der Dänen. Das Wort, der Diskurs und die Fremdheit in Bronisław Świderskis Roman Słowa obcego
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de Bończa Bukowski, P. (2019). Der Fremde im Königreich der Dänen. Das Wort, der Diskurs und die Fremdheit in Bronisław Świderskis Roman Słowa obcego. Folia Scandinavica Posnaniensia, 24, 25–38.


The prose work of the Polish exile writer Bronisław Świderski, who has been living in Denmark since 1970, explores strangeness – an important topic of modern literature. Świderski addresses strangeness not only as an individual experience, but also as a social problem. In this article, I would like to take a closer look at the analysis of foreignness and the psyche of an immigrant in Świderski’s award-winning novel Słowa obcego (1998). From many problems addressed in the novel, which are directly or indirectly connected with strangeness, I want to take out one aspect. At this point I will be interested in the relationship between language (discourse) and strangeness.
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