Mellem det (post)koloniale, det (post)nationale og det globale: en analyse af Niviaq Korneliussens HOMO sapienne
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Lubowicka, A. (2019). Mellem det (post)koloniale, det (post)nationale og det globale: en analyse af Niviaq Korneliussens HOMO sapienne. Folia Scandinavica Posnaniensia, 24, 39–55.


The paper presents a close-reading of the Greenlandic author Niviaq Korneliussen’s novel Homo sapienne (2014) with the aim of answering the question, whether it can be defined as a postnational or a migration novel, according to the definitions presented by Elisabeth Oxfeldt and Søren Frank. To this end four different categories: the hybrid, the (post)colonial, the national and the global are applied in the analysis with the primary focus on examining how the dominating narratives of Greenlandicness are confirmed, challenged or rejected in the novel, as well as how the novel’s language, structure and narrative strategies not only contribute to a new understanding of the genre, but of the issues in question in general.
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