The reason for this bibliography was the 200th Anniversary of the founding of Germanic Study at the University of Wrocław. The bibliography includes publications published in the period 1811-1945. In the list are there publications, which originated in the seminar for German Philology, and in the seminar for Romanic and English philology and consider the problems of the Scandinavian countries and their languages and cultures. They were listed in chronological-alphabetical order. As an additional criterion is the character of the publication. First are books cited – monographs and academic textbooks, then articles, reviews and translations.References
Hałub, Marek. 2001. Anfänge der Breslauer Germanistik. Germanistica Wratislaviensia 124/2001, S. 11-35.
Janikowski, Krzysztof & Józef Jarosz. 2008. Zur Geschichte der skandinavischen Forschungen an der Universität Wrocław. In: Hałub, Marek & Anna Mańko-Matysiak (Hrsg.). Śląska Republika Uczonych vol. 3. Wrocław: Atut, S. 495-526.