What kind of place is Norden? The image of Norden in Polish literary reviews of Nordic literature


the Polish image of Norden
reception of Nordic literature in Polish translation
literary reception
representation of Norden

How to Cite

Schab, S. I. (2023). What kind of place is Norden? The image of Norden in Polish literary reviews of Nordic literature. Folia Scandinavica Posnaniensia, 34, 74–87. https://doi.org/10.14746/fsp-2023.34.06


The article discusses the question of how Nordic literature in translation – as reflected in Polish literary reviews – creates Norden as a place. What kind of imagery (constructed in a continuous discursive process) is projected on the Nordic region, and what purposes does this construction serve? The analysis draws on an understanding of place as a construct based on “body, landscape and culture” (Ringgaard & DuBois 2017:20) and uses concepts taken from imagology and literary reception studies.



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