Subject headings in MESH and readers of medical literature
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subject headings in MESH
readers of medical literature

How to Cite

Machowski, S. (2019). Subject headings in MESH and readers of medical literature. Język. Komunikacja. Informacja, (12), 183–195.


The goal of this article is to investigate the correlations between medical subject headings in Polish and English and the results of library queries obtained by their application to the JU Medical Library search engine. The Polish and English subject headings are analyzed in terms of their semantic unambiguity and the textual frequency of corresponding medical terms is examined. Attention will be also paid to various translative equivalence types in terms of Polish neoclassical terms included in the complete database of medical subject headings compared to their counterparts in English. The entire analysis is preceded by a concise outline of the historical and theoretical bases of medical subject headings in the research on librarianship and terminology for the sake of investigating languages for specific purposes.
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Serwisy internetowe:

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