The paper proposes to use interpretative tools of Jewish messianism in order to weaken the discourse of national populisms that currently have gained strength in the political landscape of the West. It contains an analysis of the original conception of weak messianism elaborated by Walter Benjamin, its reading by Gianni Vattimo, and seemingly polemical proposition by Harold Bloom, who contrasts the weakness of Benjamin’s messiah with the strength of the late poet. Examining the theories of Benjamin, Vattimo, and Bloom, it puts an emphasis on the reinterpretative opening that allows finding the answer to the triumph and return of the mythical embedded in the national populism. The paper maintains that weak messianism could be seen as an interpretative form of resistance against the populist appropriation of history, seeing in the contemporary catastrophic condition a chance for the weak thought to effectively dismantle the structures of the myth.References
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