City of Lodz is an exceptional case of industrial
settlement, a focal point of di}erent kinds and techniques
of power typical for nineteenth century industrial capi-
talism. Disciplinary power parceling bodies, biopower
providing with population stability, paternalistic gaze of
the factory owner and monarchic sovereignty of the tsa-
rist rule once met in the Scheibler and Grohman’s indu-
strial establishment and nearby workers’ housing estate.
{is peripheral capitalism and relations accompanying
it let us verify Foucaultian analysis of power and have a
new look at it. Di}erent and less stable pattern of corre-
lation of power techniques emerges here; power is no
longer strictly related to the temporal matrix or a func-
tional demands of capitalist production, and temporarily
ossi/es in relocated and contingent con/gurations. It is
an implicit illustration of a new paradigm of power ana-
lysis, which Foucault presented when his interest was not
an industrial city any more, namely the „topological
analysis”, as S. J. Collier aptly called it.
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