Education to Immaturity, or from Biopolitics to Psychopower
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Bernard Stiegler
psychopower – psychotechnologies
economy of attention

How to Cite

Żychliński, A. (2011). Education to Immaturity, or from Biopolitics to Psychopower. Praktyka Teoretyczna, 3, 151–160.


Infantia, or immaturity, is one of the cha-
racteristic “postmodern maladies”. Such a diagnose
becomes easier to comprehend if one considers an essen-
tial change: while from Michel Foucalt’s perspective the
classical biopolitics comes down to biopower, exercised
over societies in order to instrumentalize them as “pro-
duction machines”, from Bernard Stiegler’s point of
view biopolitics has been replaced these days in Western
societies with psychopower, instrumentalizing com-
munities as “consuming machines”. ~e aim of my
paper is to reconstruct the main forms of the realization
and the consequences of that postmodern psychopower
and to outline ways to counteract it.
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