Beyond the Immunization Paradigm: Biopolitics in the Philosophical Project of Roberto Esposito
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Nancy – Hobbes
immune system

How to Cite

Ratajczak, M. (2011). Beyond the Immunization Paradigm: Biopolitics in the Philosophical Project of Roberto Esposito. Praktyka Teoretyczna, 3, 173–186.


The aim of the text is to reconstruct those
aspects of Roberto Esposito’s philosophy that build the
core of his theory. The reconstruction focuses on the
concepts of communization, immunization, modernity
and biopolitics and tries to explicate the relationship
between these terms. The element that binds commu-
nization and immunization is negativity, that at the
same time makes the common life possible and presents
the biggest threat to community. Because the dialectics
between community and immunity touches the relation
between life and death, the problem of community
involves the question of biopolitics.
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