Becoming Rabble: Multi-species Commons Beyond Modernity
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the commons
popular history

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Moll, Łukasz, & Pospiszyl, M. . (2020). Becoming Rabble: Multi-species Commons Beyond Modernity. Praktyka Teoretyczna, 37(3), 17–43.


The article proposes the philosophy of political subject, which combines two currents of social thought that usually do not enter into dialogue with each other. On the one side the text draw from the popular history of the subaltern classes, and on the other side it is indebted to the new materialism, which remains interested in the multi-species communities’ formation. In the following chapters, the authors of the essay present why the concept of the rabble (as the multi-species subject) may turn out to be a very accurate tool to both study the history of the subaltern classes and to create new politics in the era of climate change. The proposed
direction leads through the agency of human and non-human subaltern beings by the practices of multi-species commoning.
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