The fear of monism: Monstrosity, parapolitics, and early modern sources of the comparative philosophy
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early modernity

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Janik, M. (2020). The fear of monism: Monstrosity, parapolitics, and early modern sources of the comparative philosophy. Praktyka Teoretyczna, 37(3), 45‒78.


This text analysis the ways in which monism was depicted as a doctrine situated on the crossroads of European and Asian philosophical traditions. The depiction of monism as monstrous, characteristic of the mainstream of early modern European thought, is set against the wider context of parapolitical critique of the concept of sovereignty and the cosmic horror concept. This juxtaposition is founded on the simultaneous lecture of the entry “Spinoza” in Pierre Bayle’s An Historical and Critical Dictionary and Howard P. Lovecraft’s story The Call of Cthulhu. In the article’s conclusion the author argues that monism should be treated as one of the currents of collectively orientated political ontology. This ontology may provide a basis for a new model of comparative studies, centred around the concept of commons, and critical towards modern cognitive-political framework, sustaining and naturalising the primitive accumulation processes.
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