Performativity of knowledge in the perspective of science and technology studies: Conclusions from conceptual analyses and empirical research
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knowledge performativity
inscribed-embodied-enacted knowledge
science and technology studies
qualitative research

How to Cite

Kołtun, A. (2020). Performativity of knowledge in the perspective of science and technology studies: Conclusions from conceptual analyses and empirical research. Praktyka Teoretyczna, 37(3), 81‒108.


The aim of the article is to reconstruct the notion of knowledge in terms of performativity. In order to do so I take advantage of two sources. Firstly, I present the key aspects of performativity of scientific practices from the standpoint of postconstructivist Science and Technology Studies. Secondly, I put forward the conclusions from an ethnographic study concerning the practices of producing and popularising knowledge that is supposed to bring about a transformation of social reality. In principle, the notion of knowledge understood in terms of performativity is supposed to draw attention to its specific, interventionist character, not only the capacity of delivering an adequate description of the world. The initially launched knowledges are supposed to eventually turn into a fairly coherent, non-imposing, well-embedded framework for thinking and acting in a properly arranged environment. The notion of knowledge in terms of performativity should be understood as an open process which consists in social, material and discursive practices and which entails various knowledge forms: inscribed, embodied and enacted.
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