Biopolitical labor and the new class composition (Desiring-production and living labor 2 – Hardt and Negri)
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How to Cite

Bednarek, J. (2012). Biopolitical labor and the new class composition (Desiring-production and living labor 2 – Hardt and Negri). Praktyka Teoretyczna, 5, 233–251.


The article is committed to the aim of reconstruction of the notion of
immaterial/biopolitical labor in the context of its affinities with Deleuze and Guattari’s
notion of desiring-production. Hardt and Negri’s controversial thesis of the
autonomization of biopolitical labor from capitalist command as the basis for the
political emancipation of the working class/multitude is also discussed and compared
with Deleuze and Guattari’s vision of becoming-minoritarian as the only viable
anti-capitalist politics.
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immaterial labor




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