The article is a direct response to the previous voices in the debate
dedicated to historicity of the neoliberal state. Facing with Loïc Wacquant’s and
Mathieu Hilgers’ contributions, the authors try to complement them with the often
neglected dimension of spatiality. This procedure allows one to treat neoliberalisation,
distinguished from the more static and above all discursive concept of neoliberalism,
as a variegated and context-dependent process. The concept of “reanimation” of
neoliberalism serves here to capture its mobile character and different varieties
conceptualized in opposition to the unified vision of inevitable project of neoliberal
restructuring. It is grounded in the methodological via media that leads us “between
paradigmatic truth spots on the one hand, and spaces of exception on the other,
towards an understanding of the complex spatiality of actually existing neoliberalism
and its co-evolution with neoliberal doctrines”.
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