Central Europeans have very rich language for describing their own countries in unflattering manner and very, very long tradition of doing so. In this article author proposes a hypothesis for unusually low collective self-esteem. It is deeply rooted in the region’s peripheral relation with the West. It is a by-product of a yawning gap between rich, powerful, industrialized West and stagnant Central Europe. Müller’s “Global East” is, from this perspective, one of the (many) attempts to overcome region’s peripheral status.
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Szczerek, Ziemowit. 2018. „Mundial w Kaliningradzie”. Polityka 25. https://www.polityka.pl/tygodnikpolityka/ludzieistyle/1752952,1,mundial-w-kaliningradzie.read.
Wolff, Larry. 1994. Inventing Eastern Europe: The Map of Civilization on the Mind of the Enlightenment. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
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