Comments on Martin Müller’s “In Search of the Global East: Thinking Between North and South”


post-colonial theory
critical theory

How to Cite

Zarycki, T. (2021). Comments on Martin Müller’s “In Search of the Global East: Thinking Between North and South”. Praktyka Teoretyczna, 38(4), 191–201.


The text starts with a supportive opinion on the concept of the Global East, evaluating it as a convincing and useful tool for the development of critical studies on the so-called post-communist or the second world in a wider global perspective. In the remaining comments, several reasons for possible problems with the broader implementation of the proposed concept are discussed. They include both the resistance which it could encounter in Central and Eastern Europe, and broader, structural reasons why introducing it as a frame parallel to the Global South paradigm may be problematic. Among the examples of similar issues with new theoretical projects, the experience of the complex and not always enthusiastic reception of the post-colonial theory in Poland is briefly discussed.


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