Yes, There Is An Alternative – And It Can Be Found in Marx


Political Economy
Labor Time
Value Production

How to Cite

Hudis, P. (2013). Yes, There Is An Alternative – And It Can Be Found in Marx. Praktyka Teoretyczna, 9(3), 19–44.


Although few questions are more important than whether a viable
alternative to capitalism is possible, radical theory has tended
to shy away from directly engaging the issue – even when
the theoretical and practical cost of the claim that “there is no
alternative to capitalism” is acknowledged. This essay argues
that the barrier towards envisioning a viable alternative needs
to begin by revisiting Marx’s critique of capitalism as well as
his many criticisms of the socialist and communist tendencies
of his time. Implicit in Marx’s critique of the logic of capital
and the failure of radical theoreticians in his time to comprehend
it is a specific concept of a post-capitalist society that
today’s social movements neglect to their peril. By re-visiting
Marx’s body of work in light of what it offers for envisioning life
after capitalism, we may be able to grasp how deeply his work
speaks to us today.


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