Jean-Luc Nancy and politics. Communism and Inoperative community
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Jean-Luc Nancy
political philosophy

How to Cite

Sadzik, P. (2013). Jean-Luc Nancy and politics. Communism and Inoperative community. Praktyka Teoretyczna, 9(3), 111–131.


In this article I would like to show in which way in the works of
French philosopher Jean-Luc Nancy there are links between “community” and
“communism”. The latter, for him, has a meaning exceeding the domain of politics
and should be understood as a some kind of pre-existential and quasi-onthological
category. Being-in-common means for philosopher being-with which is expressed
by Latin prefix “com” characterizing “communitas” and “communism”. “Com”
emphasizes that being is first of all being with other (not only with other people
but with every other being including in it animals, plants etc). Furthermore, as
Nancy said: “communism is togetherness – the Mitsein, the being- with, understood as the belonging to existence of the individuals, which means, in the existential meaning, to their essence”. Therefore, Nancy’s community doesn’t belong to “the logic of myth” since is, in the first place, what he called “the inoperative community”.
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