An Encounter on the Crest of a High Wave
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Merry Pranksters
Hell’s Angels

How to Cite

Herer, M. (2021). An Encounter on the Crest of a High Wave. Praktyka Teoretyczna, 40(2), 17–35.


The article proposes an analysis of the encounter between Merry Pranksters and Hell’s Angels that took place in the mid-sixties in California. The objective was to understand the complex and ambiguous logic and dynamics of that encounter: from the first contacts to a temporary alliance, built mostly during the joint LSD parties, and the final conflict that had also its political expression. The events described have been put in the wider context of the rise and fall of the American counterculture and yet presented basically in their singularity. Main points of reference were the writings of Hunter S. Thompson and Tom Wolfe.
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