Towards economic democracy. Between market socialism and democratic planning
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workers cooperatives

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Winczewski, D. (2015). Towards economic democracy. Between market socialism and democratic planning. Praktyka Teoretyczna, 16(2), 214–239.


The main aim of this article was to answer the question of what planning model is applicable in postcapitalist, transitional period economy based on worker self-management. The works of authors dealing with contemporary political economy shows that labor cooperatives can be an effective way to manage the company and the neo-liberal view on the functioning of companies is anachronistic. Pat Devine and Fikret Adaman tried to prove that the employee enterprises can carry out effective allocation through planning based on negotiations. Paul Cockshott and Allin Cottrell, in turn, argued that the political elements of the negotiations are unnecessary because the plan would require only developed computer technology and cash based on the right values based on the work. Both models have significant limitations, which call into question their functionality. I think a better solution to the problem of effective coordination of employee enterprises is the use of a large-scale indicative planning, which has historically been used in various capitalist countries. Changing the mode of production and the abolition of private property in favour of collective property gives hope that indicative planning will work better than in capitalism.
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