History and structure. A problem of legitimization.
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de Saussure
symbolic field

How to Cite

Leder, A. (2016). History and structure. A problem of legitimization. Praktyka Teoretyczna, 22(4), 132–151. https://doi.org/10.14746/prt.2016.4.7


In his text the author is defining the conflict of the structuralist and historicist – synchronic and diachronic thought – described by de Saussure–- as a development of two different ethical axioms in the field of social philosophy. He tries to show, how each of this axioms can generate a different ontology of social being. Applying some elements of Deleuzian thought the author analyzes the theoretical position of the two ethical axioms. Then, on the fundament of the Lacanian, and more generally poststructuralist thought he tries to give a draft of a theoretical space in which such a change of ethical positions would be possible. He develops thus a new philosophy of symbolic fields.
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