Linguistic attempts to oppose structuralism. Review of Krytyka i klinika by Gilles Deleuze
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becoming of
unspecified particularity

How to Cite

Kamiński, B. (2016). Linguistic attempts to oppose structuralism. Review of Krytyka i klinika by Gilles Deleuze. Praktyka Teoretyczna, 22(4), 213–227.


The aim of this article is to present the significance of Gilles Deleuze’s Essays Critical and Clinical in the possibly most coherent way. One of the main themes of the text is the opposition between the subjectivity produced by structuralististic authors and the subjectivity that is incomplete, unspecified, emerging from eternal motion of becoming oneself, which is defended by Deleuze. The essential concepts of this opposition are language, time, madness and judgment.
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