Walter Benjamin and the Disruption of Historian’s Habits
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historical materialism
historical method
peopleʼs history
Michel Foucault
Michel de Certeau

How to Cite

Farge, A. (2017). Walter Benjamin and the Disruption of Historian’s Habits. Praktyka Teoretyczna, 23(1), 16–23.


This essay attempts to outline a historical method developed from the late writings of Walter Benjamin. Arlette Farge argues that in Passagenwerk, the work about Leskov and in On the Concept of History, the German philosopher succeeded in portraying a new way of thinking about history. This was an approach that offered the historian access not only to facts but also to particular experiences, felt emotions, desires or dreams. As Farge posits, Michel Foucault and Michel de Certeau, among others, conducted their studies using a similar method.
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