Socialist and Communist Brochures in France between 1840 and 1844
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the 19th century

How to Cite

Fourn, F. (2017). Socialist and Communist Brochures in France between 1840 and 1844. Praktyka Teoretyczna, 23(1), 195–212.


For the French communists and socialists of the 19th century, brochures were the most important means used to spread their doctrines and to organize political movements. With some exceptions, these cheap works were targeted to an audience from lower social strata, thereby inviting them to take part in the polemical space which they created. Brochures were available from specialist booksellers, but they were also distributed during meetings, conferences, and strikes. While read aloud, they could serve as a launch pad for political discussions or as a substitute for political speeches. For these reasons, the examination of brochures offers insights into the context of communication between writers and readers and sheds light on the interaction between the written and spoken word.
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