Die Besatzungsungssysteme der Achsenmächte. Versuch einer komparativen Analyse [The occupation systems of the Axis powers. An attempt at a comparative analysis]
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occupied territories
occupation systems
German occupation system
Axis powers
World War II
Rome-Berlin Axis

How to Cite

Madajczyk, C. (1979). Die Besatzungsungssysteme der Achsenmächte. Versuch einer komparativen Analyse [The occupation systems of the Axis powers. An attempt at a comparative analysis]. Studia Historiae Oeconomicae, 14(1), 105–122. https://doi.org/10.14746/sho.1979.14.1.008

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In this paper I intend to discuss some issues concerning the system of organization of the occupied territories and their population. First, I would like to discuss the main differences between the occupation systems of the Axis powers and their mutual influence. This will be followed by a critique of some theses concerning the German occupation system. The main part of the paper is my research on the German occupation system, especially on its main component - the controlling subsystem.

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