Moral Perfection and the Demand for Human Enhancement


Human enhancement
moral enhancement
human agency
free will

How to Cite

Warmbier, A. (2015). Moral Perfection and the Demand for Human Enhancement. ETHICS IN PROGRESS, 6(1), 23–37.

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In this article I discuss one of the most significant areas of bioethical interest, which is the problem of moral enhancement. Since I claim that the crucial issue in the current debate on human bioenhancement is the problem of agency, I bring out and examine the conditions of possibility of selfunderstanding, acting subjects attributing responsible authorship for their actions to themselves. I shall argue that the very idea of moral enhancement, properly understood, fails to justify the claims that enhancing the “biological” factor that plays a part in the process of making moral choices, whether through biomedical or genetic interventions, will actually increase the probability of having “morally better future motives”.


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