Transhumanizm: kilka uwag na temat filozoficznych źródeł sporu o ideę biomedycznego ulepszania moralnego
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natura człowieka
human nature

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Soniewicka, M. (2015). Transhumanizm: kilka uwag na temat filozoficznych źródeł sporu o ideę biomedycznego ulepszania moralnego. ETHICS IN PROGRESS, 6(1), 38–55.

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The paper addresses the problem of the philosophical sources of the  debate over moral human enhancement held between transhumanists and bio-conservatives. The paper is aimed at showing that the opposing positions in the debate are grounded in different philosophical traditions, namely naturalistic (Darwinian) and rationalistic (Kantian), which define human nature differently. Morality and moral improvement are also differently understood in these different traditions, thus the assumptions rooted in them lead to different conclusions concerning the idea of human moral  enhancement and its justification.
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