Armut und Autobiographie – Versuch einer Begriffsanalyse


literature and crisis

How to Cite

Bogaczyk-Vormayr, M. (2014). Armut und Autobiographie – Versuch einer Begriffsanalyse. ETHICS IN PROGRESS, 5(2), 69–76.

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This short working paper is my first attempt to present my concept analysis of relation between the poverty experiences – e.g. childhood suffering by war and migration background, daily life suffering by starvation, abuse, racism etc. – and the process of self-understanding and resilience with the help of an oral history or literature (non-fiction as much as fiction novels). I reflect Wilhelm Dilthey’s opinion about the distinction between autobiography and Self-biography, and I present the Self-biography as a right way to concretize the themes of poverty and exclusion.


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