The present work introduces the scholarly community to a database containing information about the invalids, orphans, and widows of the First World War in Transylvania—the IOW database, which uses data extracted from the files relating to pensions awarded to these social categories as its main sources. These consist primarily of civil status documents, reports on the personal characteristics of the enrolled soldiers, data relating to war participation and testimonies proving disappearance or death in addition to medical records, as well as information regarding the situations of the beneficiaries’ families and the amounts of money they received, and evidence attesting changes in the status of pension beneficiaries. Next, the details were entered into a relational database that will enable multiple scientific investigations in the fields of humanities, social sciences, and legal studies, as well as medicine and history of medicine, and offer the possibility of having a social and cultural impact among the general public and local communities. The preliminary results, drawn from the table relating to widows, illustrate the negative consequences of war on the lives of men, women, and children in Transylvania. Finally, the paper outlines further development of the database and future lines of research.
This article represents an updated version of a chapter previously published as part of a PhD dissertation completed by Angela Cristina Lumezeanu, under the supervision of Research Associate Professor Luminița Dumănescu, Digital Infrastructure for Social History: Building Historical Databases, Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of History and Philosophy. Doctoral School: “Population Studies and History of Minorities”, Cluj-Napoca, 2019, 204–224.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Elena Crinela Holom , Angela Lumezeanu

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