Author Guidelines
Studia Historiae Oeconomicae
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Faculty of History
Editor-in-Chief: Tadeusz Janicki (
Co-Editor: Lucyna Błażejczyk - Majka (
Co-Editor: Martin Faber (
Studia Historiae Oeconomicae instruction for authors
The authors interested in the publication of the results of their researches in the journal of SHO are equired to abide by the following rules:
• The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor);
• Original studies, reviews, communique or letters to the editor can be submitted;
• The submission file is in Microsoft Word/OpenOffice document file format;
• Obligatory languages in the journal are: Polish or English depending on the author’s preferences; • Footnotes and bibliography should be prepared in Harvard style;
• A fundamental text type: Times New Roman, 12 pt; Line spacing: 1,5 pt;
• Maximum length of submitted text is 40 thousand signs, including spaces (original study) or 10 thousand signs with spaces (review, communique, letters to the editor).
• All figures (charts, diagrams, web pages, and photographic images) should be of high quality and include the source and legal consent;
• Keywords (3 - 5 meaningful words/phrases) should contain words and phrases that suggest what the topic is about. Keywords should ideally be phrases of 2-4 words;
• The abstract (250-300 words) should include: background and purpose(s) of the study, sources and/or research methods used, the main findings/conclusions, and information on originality/value of the study. Keywords should be used in the abstract.
• The main body of the text should follow the structure of the abstract.
The text should be submitted via the internet webpage: or send via email:
The journal does not have article processing charges (APCs) nor article submission charges.
The journal is double-blind peer reviewed.
1) Original studies
Authors interested in the publication of their original studies in the journal of SHO should prepare, obligatory in a separate document: an anonymous text, a front page and an author’s note.
The anonymous text should contain the title, abstract and 3-5 keywords. The text should be divided into chapters, such as: introduction, description of sources and/or research methods used, description of research results, conclusion, information on originality/value of the study and bibliography in Harvard style.
The front page should contain information about each of the authors (first and second name, surname, affiliation, country of affiliation, email address, ORCID number); the title of the text, abstract and key words.
An author’s note is a short text (about 100 words) containing information about the academic degree and positions held by the author. It should also contain information about academic interests and the most important professional achievements. The author note should be specific to each of the co-authors.
Figures (if they appear in the text) should be added as separate files: graphs in edited format and images (photographs, schemas, diagrams, maps) in high printing quality.
2) Reviews
Authors interested in the publication of their review in the journal of SHO should prepare two separate obligatory documents: the main text of the review and the author’s note. Because of the aim of the SHO, we prefer review books written by Polish researchers.
The main text should contain information about each author(s) of the review (first and second name, surname, affiliation, country of affiliation, email address, ORCID number), the title of the review, detailed bibliographic data of the reviewed text, 3 - 5 keywords and the text reviewed.
An author’s note is a short text (about 100 words) containing information about the academic degree and positions held by the author. It should also contain information about academic interests and the most important professional achievements. The author’s note should be specific to each of the co-authors.
3) Communiques or letters to the editor
Authors interested in the publication of their communique or letter to the editor in the journal of SHO should prepare two separate obligatory documents: the main text of the communique (letter to the editor) and the author’s note. Because of the aim of the SHO, we prefer communique about important academic events in Polish Universities in the area of socio-economic history.
The main text should contain information about each author(s) of the communique or letter to the editor (first and second name, surname, affiliation, country of affiliation, email address, ORCID number), the title of the text, 3 - 5 keywords, reviewed text, and the text of the communique or letter to the editor.
The author’s note is a short text (about 100 words) containing information about the academic degree and positions held by the author. It should also contain information about academic interests and the most important professional achievements. The author’s note should be specific to each of the co-authors.