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Ключевые слова

European Arrest Warrant
legal translation
Polish-English translation

Как цитировать

ZYGMUNT, Łukasz. (2012). LEXICAL PITFALLS IN POLISH-ENGLISH LEGAL TRANSLATION: A CASE STUDY INVOLVING STUDENTS OF ENGLISH PHILOLOGY IN POLAND. Comparative Legilinguistics, 12, 67–85. https://doi.org/10.14746/cl.2012.12.04


The article illustrates problems which were encountered by students of the first and second year of English Philology, who had been given a task of translating from Polish into English a passage from a Supreme Court act, concerning the European Arrest Warrant execution. The author who is an active lawyer – working as a prosecutor of the District Prosecutor’s Office – analyzes almost twenty legal phrases coming from the original text and, comparing them with the official version of translation, examines the students’ versions (108 translations altogether) which are then accompanied by descriptions and comments on the mistakes made. The analyzed examples show the uniqueness of the legal language and its pitfalls as well as lexical and syntactic dilemmas which create linguistic traps for a Polish translator who is preoccupied with translation of legal texts from Polish into English or vice versa. Moreover, the discussed cases indicate the need for a highly professional training of philology students, especially in the area of ESP (English for Special Purposes).

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Библиографические ссылки

Blackwell, Amy, Hackney. 2004. The Essential Dictionary of Law. New York: Barnes & Noble Books.

Collin, Peter Hodgeson, Bartnicki, K. 2001. Słownik Prawa. Warszawa: Peter Collin Publishing.

Dunin-Dudkowska, Anna. 2006. Tłumaczenie prawnicze jako akt komunikacji. In J. Mazur, M. Rzeszutko-Iwan eds. Teksty kultury. Oblicza komunikacji, 151–160. Lublin: UMCS.

Garner, Bryan, A., ed. 2000. A Handbook of Criminal Law Terms. St Paul: West Group.

Kade, Otto. 1968. Zufall und Gesetzmäßigkeit in der Übersetzung. Leipzig: VEB Verlag.

Korybski, Andrzej and Antoni Pieniążek. 1998. Wstęp do Prawoznawstwa. Lublin: Morpol.

Martin, Elizabeth, A., ed. 1994. A Dictionary of Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Myrczek, Ewa. 2005. Lexicon of Law Terms. Warszawa: C.H. Beck.

Nielsen, Sandro. 2010. Translational Creativity: Translating Genre Conventions in Statutes. Vertimo Studijos 3.

Random House Webster’s Electronic Dictionary and Thesaurus. 1992. College Edition.

Resolution of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Poland of 20 July 2006 (I KZP 21/06).


Seidler, Leopold Grzegorz, Henryk Groszyk, Jan Malarczyk, and Antoni Pieniążek. 1998. Wstęp do nauki o państwie i prawie. Lublin: Morpol.

Statute of October 9, 2009, amending the Prosecution Act and some other statutes (Journal of Laws nr 178, position 1375).

Tokarczyk, Roman. 2000. Komparatystyka prawnicza. Kraków: Kantor Wydawniczy Zakamycze.

Zweigert, Konrad, Kötz Hein. 1998. An Introduction to Comparative Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press.