Factors of Chinese Adolescents’ Moral Judgment Competence – Findings from Hubei Province


Moral Judgment Test
Chinese adolescents

How to Cite

Zhang, J. (2012). Factors of Chinese Adolescents’ Moral Judgment Competence – Findings from Hubei Province. ETHICS IN PROGRESS, 3(1), 83–95. https://doi.org/10.14746/eip.2012.1.5

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This paper uses MJT designed by German moral psychologist Lind as a measurement tool, selects 1933 teenagers from Wuhan, Xiangfan or Hubei province. The result shows that participants’ C-sore of different age is 16.90. Character of politic lies remarkable difference, and gender, profession, education, etc., doesn’t. But the specific characters of them have something to be concerned. On this basis, the author gives some advices and countermeasures for education departments.


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Lind, G. 2008b. Teaching Students to Speak Up and To Listen to Others: Cultivating Moral Democratic Competencies. In: D.E. Lund & P.R. Carr (Eds.), Doing Democracy and Social Justice in Education: Political Literacy for All Students, 319-335. New York: Peter Lang Publishing.

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