Introduction to No. 1, Part two: Developing Moral Competence, Perfecting Selfhood, Practicing Forgiveness


Paul Ricoeur
moral and democratic competence
John Dewey

How to Cite

Bardziński, F., & Dutka, J. (2016). Introduction to No. 1, Part two: Developing Moral Competence, Perfecting Selfhood, Practicing Forgiveness. ETHICS IN PROGRESS, 7(1), V-VIII.

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The introductioń to Ethics in Progress Special Issue, Vol. 7(1), No. 2 is
given, with brief exposes on the articles present in the section.


Aristotle. 1999. Nicomachean Ethics. Transl. W. D. Ross. Kitchener: Batoche Books.

Chrzanowska, K. 2016. “Searching for Selfhood: Ricoeur’s Recognition and Cavellian Acknowledgment.” Ethics in Progress, Vol. 7(1): 186–200.

Gan-Krzywoszyńska, K. & P. Leśniewski. 2016. „Przemoc hermeneutyczna. O analogicznej rekonstrukcji obecności.” Ethics in Progress, Vol. 7(1): 201–214.

Karamavrou, S., et al. 2016. “Moral Competence, Personality, and Demographic Characteristics: A Comparative Study.” Ethics in Progress, Vol. 7(1): 123–138.

Kaznina, E. 2016. “Influence of Cultural and Historical Context on the Moral Competence in Modern Society (in Terms of Georgia and Russia).” Ethics in Progress, Vol. 7(1): 139–161.

Malitowska, A. & M. Bonecki. 2016. “Common Sense and Scientific Inquiry: Remarks on John Dewey’s Philosophy of Educational Progressivism.” Ethics in Progress, Vol. 7(1): 172–185.

Reinicke, M. 2016. “Inclusion: The Best Mean Against Violence, Deceit and Force.” Ethics in Progress, Vol. 7(1): 215–227.

Zhang, Q. & S. J. Thoma. 2016. “An Empirical Cross-Cultural Study of Moral Judgment Development in Mainland China.” Ethics in Progress, Vol. 7(1): 228–245.

Zhu, Hai-Long. 2016. “An Empirical Research about Xinjiang Minority College Students’ Value Recognition in Inner-Mainland's Universities of China.” Ethics in Progress, Vol. 7(1): 162–171.