Miłość jako podstawa poznania Boga u mistyków. Nauka św. Jana od Krzyża.

Słowa kluczowe

scientia fiedei
scientia amoris
zjednoczenie z Bogiem
poznanie mistyczne

Jak cytować

Niziński, R. S. (2014). Miłość jako podstawa poznania Boga u mistyków. Nauka św. Jana od Krzyża. Filozofia Chrześcijańska, 11, 81–94. https://doi.org/10.14746/fc.2014.11.05


While metaphysics (Zubiri) and theology (Barth) approach God using notions, which derive from the experience of the world, mystics approach God through union with him (John of the Cross). Whereas in philosophy and theology mind plays the leading role, in mystics’ perspective it is will with its love, which dominates leading to the union with God. Love makes us somehow similar to God (connaturalitas Thomas Aquinas) therefore mind profits from love and its union with God. Mind abandoning notions opens up to the new knowledge scattering from God.


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