The natural language sustainability is dependent on the feeding/seeding power as determined by NL presence in the Natural Language Global Arena and participation in communication orders

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Puppel, S. (2016). The natural language sustainability is dependent on the feeding/seeding power as determined by NL presence in the Natural Language Global Arena and participation in communication orders. Folia Scandinavica Posnaniensia, 20, 181–186.


No natural language can enjoy the status of a completely isolated language. This is due to their always being in some kind of contact condition with other natural languages. As they all occur in the Natural Language Global Arena, they may either win, lose in competition with other languages, or receive the equal status. The different 'statuses' of natural languages are owed to the feeding and seeding processes in which they participate. The said processes  are framed by the communication orders in which the particular natural languages happen to function. In turn, the communication orders in which the languages are functioning, appear to be decisive in either strengthening or weakening the robustness of every natural language in their sustainability.


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