W ZWIĄZKU Z TEKSTEM JANA POMORSKIEGO Polityzacja/mitologizacja historii, czyli w czym neuronauka (i metodologia) może pomóc badaczowi historii najnowszej?

Słowa kluczowe

the culturological epistemology of history
the grammar of culture
humanistic cognitive science
the axiological dimension of historical world
constitutive myths
non-intentional cultural processes


The article discusses some highlighted premises and main postulates expounded in the essay by Pomorski. The outlook of the polemics is based on the culturological epistemology of history therefore the concept of politicization/mythologization and historiography inspired by neuroscience is called into the question in particular. Cognitive approach in humanities is also discussed, nevertheless the idea of humanistic cognitive science as the new refl ection on the human ways of the acquiring of culture might be taken into consideration.
